Legionella Reference Data
The Legionella reference data window can be accessed by navigating to Health and Safety > Legionella > Legionella, or by clicking Manage Reference Data in the Tasks panel of a Legionella record.
Note: You must have a role with the LegionellaReferenceData permission to access this window.
Refer to Manage Reference Data for further information on using reference data screens.
The following reference data is available:
Use this reference data to define questions to be used during a Legionella Survey.
The questions are split into Headers, Sections, Questions and Answers, and must be defined prior to performing the Legionella Survey.
Questions help to provide a more rounded and consistent set of information for assessments, findings and audits. They can have an open, free-text answer, a measurement-based answer or answers to select from a given list created prior to the survey. They can also be weighted and scored, the score itself used to display risk bands using Risk Formulae.